Hair replacement


The hair loss may render you discontent with your own image. This may influence your self-esteem and may unbalance many aspects of your life.
The baldness makes you look older and over-emphasizes the wrinkles and face lines. The self-esteem is very important for the quality of your life. The purpose of the hair reconstruction is to create an outline around the face and to diminish the effects of the aging determined by the hair loss.

Male baldness is a complex aesthetic problem, creating complexes. Hair loss is caused by many factors: aging, genetic causes, hormonal alterations. It can also appear in cases of burns or complex local traumatisms.
The surgical techniques for solving male baldness have been used for more than 30 years, and are being constantly improved.

What can patients benefit from hair replacement?

There are many techniques for solving male baldness but all of them use one's own hair. The surgeon must find the best way to use it. Not any baldness can be solved with hair transplant and this is why it is essential to have an exact diagnosis base on anamneses, clinical and laboratory exams. The surgery is not recommended to patients with lupus sebaceous, plane lichen, folliculitis or sclerodermia. Special attention must also be paid to one's tendency to form keloid scars or to blood diseases.
The candidates for hair transplant must have a healthy donator area at the back and in lateral areas.

Surgery's risks

There is no surgery without risk. Usually hair transplant is a safe surgical procedure if it done by a qualified surgeon. Yet, the reaction of patients is individual, so the result can not be predicted entirely as complications, infections, excessive bleeding, scar widening may set in. There is also a risk that the graft will not survive. When hair loss advances after the surgery, an unnatural patchy look may appear, especially if the transplanted hair (which usually does not fall) is near areas that continue to space out.

Before surgery indications

  • do not eat and drink anything after midnight before the surgery;
  • it is forbidden to take aspirin and other drugs that contain aspirin for 2 weeks before the surgery;
  • you must tell the doctor or the anesthesiologist if you have medical problems (hypertension, vascular problems, heart failure, diabetes, lung problems, bleeding problems, epilepsy, neurological problems, allergies to certain drugs);
  • you must tell the doctor if you wear dental prosthesis or contact lenses;
  • if you smoke, plan to stop smoking for 1-2 weeks before the surgery and do not start smoking until at least 2 weeks have passed from the surgery;
  • avoid extra exposure to sun before the surgery;
  • do not keep a strict diet before the surgery because it can delay the healing;
  • if you catch a cold or you have an infection of any kind, the surgery must be postponed;

The surgery

There are many hair transplant methods and usually a technique combination is used.
Hair transplant is done under intravenous sedation combined with local anesthesia. During surgery you will be awake but relaxed. General anesthesia may be used when tissue expansion or rotating flaps are used.
The hair transplant surgery involves the harvest of hair grafts with roots from the donator region, usually occipital or temporal. Then they are braked up under the microscope and are implanted in the receptor region. Depending on their size there are more types of grafts: micro grafts (1-2 hairs), mini grafts (2-4 hairs) and big circular or longitudinal grafts (10-40 hairs). The last ones usually have an unnatural look and this is why they are not used any more. During one operation session the number of micro and mini grafts that can be transplanted ranges from 700 to 1000. To maintain a normal blood flow in the scalp region, the grafts must not be to close to each other. The spaces between them are filled in another surgery.
Tissue expansion usually used in reconstructive surgery has also found its use in baldness treatment. It achieves significant coverage in a short period of time. The procedure consists in the insertion of a tissue expander under the hairy skin. The skin surface is stretched with the gradual flow of the expander.

Post surgery hospitalization

Hospitalization is of about 24 hours. After the first day the garments are removed, the hair is gently washed and the patient is stripped of his bandages.

Post surgical retrieval

After you leave the clinic, the stitches are removed 10 days after the surgery; this can also be done by your family doctor. For 3 weeks you must avoid contact sports and intense physical exercise because they increase blood flow to the scalp and may cause bleeding.
You should know that transplanted hair falls after 6 weeks but the root stays on, after that the hair will continue growing normally. Usually additional 1-2 transplants are necessary for a good result.


We have big experience in the treatment of baldness after traumatisms or burns (approximately 1000 cases, especially children). As for hair loss, we have more than 100 cases solved only with hair transplant.