Hair replacement - Frequently Asked Questions
Hair Transplant
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhich is the right moment for hair transplant, when the process of hair loss has stopped, or before that?
If the hair losing process is not determined by a dermatological disorder, the hair transplant can be performed any time and at any age. This doesn’t mean that, after the hair transplant, the hair won’t follow its natural course of falling, and that the area where hairs were transplanted would not undergo thinning, sometimes only the transplanted hairs remaining there.
Can hair transplant be conducted when there is no hair left?
Yes, it can, provided that a donor area on the nape and temporal regions still exist, from which hair grafts can be collected. In this case, the alopecic hairless area where the transplant is to take place needs several transplant sessions in order that a satisfying fullness be attained.
When can I resume my activity after the intervention?
The surgical intervention requires one day’s hospitalization. After the discharge, the normal activity may be resumed, but intense physical effort and the prolonged nodding position are not recommended. In the first 5 days it is recommended that the sleeping take place in semi-reclining position.
The contact sports are not recommended in the first 30 days.
When can the next session of hair thickening take place?
It is necessary that, after the first hair transplant session, minimum 3 months pass, in order to allow the implanted hairs to get integrated and grow, thus the new hairs can be implanted among them without harming the bulbs of the existent hairs.
When can I get a haircut after the surgery?
In the first 15 days only the hair washing is recommended, gently and without rubbing the transplanted grafts. In tis period, the hair combing is forbidden. The hair can be cut when the thread becomes firm. The hair dyeing can be performed not before minimum 30 days.